The Life Of A Melanated Empath

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Being an empath can be quite a challenging aspect of life to experience. In addition to being an empath, being melanated can also put you on quite an interesting life journey; a journey filled with endless transcending emotions. Imagine going through your day and resonating deeply with most things people say or do. Just facing challenging situations and having no choice but to feel the way in which you feel while having to mask it. 

The role of an empath can be very draining; it can often leave you feeling flooded with a wave of various misinterpreted and lingering emotions. Throughout the years, but most notably this past year, I have been able to deeply understand and channel my empathetic side; (specifically being a Melanated Empath, which later led to the development of The Melanated Empath). Being an empath is similar to being like a sponge; how it soaks up any liquid it comes into contact with is exactly how as an empath you soak up any and every emotion you come in contact with throughout the course of the day. Knowing what the key parts are when it comes to the regulation of your empathetic feelings will enhance you’re experience as an empath on a daily basis. 

As I mentioned earlier, being melanated and an empath has it’s challenges as well as it treasures. Living in this world, people of color are constantly being held to a standard of mental capacity that is completely skewed and downright insensible. Too often are we neglected in consequence of not having those safe spaces created for us. Not only are we  not provided the adequate space for processing our emotions, but we are also neglected of the space on a daily basis for just pure expression of our emotions. Just imagine what that day-to-day life of a Melanated Empath TRULY consists of. 

Our emotions go without acknowledgement, our feelings go misinterpreted, our cries become silenced, & our pain starts becoming a joke. All of these experiences remain the same due to the massive influences surrounding the programming that created an “unspoken” tolerance and acceptance surrounding the silent-sufferings of overlooked, unheard of melanated empaths.


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