Herb Habitué represents a very unique and multifaceted woman and brand. With strong roots in the creative arts, education, leadership and community, I’ve always known I would never end up doing just ONE thing. But for the longest time, I couldn’t figure out how to express all that’s within me in a way that made sense. Mental health has always been a resounding theme in my life for as long as I can remember, as I’ve been living with my own mental health diagnoses since adolescence. By chance, I created my wellness campaign Making Mental Health Matter, as part of a mandatory assignment to finish my BA in Political Science.  I could have never predicted the impact it would have on my life and my own journey of mental health and wellness, let alone the impact it has made upon others.


@MakingMental has become a growing community organization aiming to unapologetically uplift and encourage people of color, (namely Black women). By sharing useful wellness and mental health info, encouraging creative self care paths and safe spaces, and building on the idea that though all of our journeys are unique, we are all connected in our collective healing @MakingMental finally gave me an all encompassing avenue for my talents and skills. By stressing the importance in the fact that there’s strength in vulnerability, I hope to help others unlearn the negative stigma of mental health in our communities and embrace working towards our collective healing, together.

As I continue to find my inspiration through this growing community, the learning experience that is genuine sisterhood and my own journey of healing, I hope to inspire those like me to continue choosing a higher path for themselves each and every day.

Peace and blessings to you all, and welcome!

What I want most for this site is to plant seeds of curiosity in your mind. There is always something new out there worth learning about. Your knowledge is truly your power, and your wisdom stems from the application of your knowledge.

Go out and be great, knowing that you already are.