Jaidah Da Jack Of All Trades

Jaidah Jane Da Jack of All Trades

The more I grow into the woman I now I’m supposed to be (at least for right now), I’m learning more and more that I am a piece of  WORK (oh well)! But I am also so valuable. I know that now more than ever & it’s a powerful & empowering feeling. 

It motivates me to continue learning new things. Wearing new hats. Saying yes to opportunities that have the power to shape me & aid in my growth. It’s a challenge to be a lifelong learner but what isn’t challenging in 2021? 

People try to fit into these molds of who they think they’re supposed to be. I want to try to be as many versions of myself as I can fit into this lifetime. I don’t want to leave any stones I’m curious about unturned. I want to lead an experience based life.

I’ve done more creatively in a year than I’ve been able to do in my entire life. I’ve built community, sisterhood, family, shit, my bank account! This ass! That’s what this season has been for me. Building, stacking, grinding, hustling, gaining, working! 

But girl, it’s been so much better than simply surviving. I hope you wake up one day ignited enough to chase the things you’re passionate about. I hope you come to an understanding with yourself on the relationship between passions, dreams, intention & discipline.

What’s for you is out there, but you have to walk towards it. It ain’t easy, don’t ever say i told you that. But it’s so WORTH it.

Girl I ain’t talking about nothing. I just wanted to remind you that we not doing all this for no reason. Take a second to stop & reflect. You doing good. Real good!


Alone In Blue Hour…With Jaidah


The Art Of The Backslide