

I am not a censored person

I am not a Monday morning sunrise or the first fall of snow kind of person 

I am a road raging, worse than a sailor mouth kind of person 

I am a waking up at five at night and staying out till seven in the morning kind of person 

I am not a dinner and movie type of person 

I am a walk with no destination type of person

Where we can get enraptured in laughter and conversations type of person

I am a person that holds secrets in their eyes and bolts on their heart 

Eyes that are supposed to be windows to the soul have been kissed with rain droplets 

But the thing about being my type of person is that when the sun illuminates my skin; I kiss the air and I say “Hi” and try all over again. 

I am a person still creating the version she sees when she prays to God at night to fully become

I am a person that used to look in the mirror and didn’t want to see what looked back 

Now I keep a mirror with me to never forget the person I am.

I am a Black Womxn with all my grace and pride 

I am not just a person but I am unapologetically irrevocably ME.


Cleanse The Body, Cleanse The Hoe


About Last Night